Dead, fallen trees cause problems

An interesting thing is that not much is said or done about all the dead, dying and rotten timber around around this area. All the talk about gases emitted by various living objects and gas powered vehicles, but nothing about the gases emitted by trees as they decay and rot away in the environment.

An interesting thing is that not much is said or done about all the dead, dying and rotten timber around around this area.  All the talk about gases emitted by various living objects and gas powered vehicles, but nothing about the gases emitted by trees as they decay and rot away in the environment.

Wednesday’s wind knocked over some of these trees up on Union Hill cutting power.  Luckily it was not as cold as it had been a week or two ago.  It also caused traffic problems on Union Hill.  This is something all the tree huggers should really look into, instead of the other items they are so concerned about.

Jim Robinson, Redmond