Columnist has a myopic view of the Republican National Convention | Letter to the Editor

It's been a while since I've commented on Andrew Villeneuve's column, mainly because he hasn't offended me or other conservatives in the Redmond Reporter coverage area. That came to a screeching halt with his column in the Aug. 31 edition.

It’s been a while since I’ve commented on Andrew Villeneuve’s column, mainly because he hasn’t offended me or other conservatives in the Redmond Reporter coverage area. That came to a screeching halt with his column in the Aug. 31 edition.

“They speedily wiped out the surplus President Clinton had left them.”Really!  Does your childhood brain remember “9-11” and the war we waged onterrorism.  That was an expensive proposition, but well worth it, in myopinion.  The “multiple tax cuts”, were to the benefit of the middle- andlow-income classes, encouraging spending to help get the economy back ontrack.  What was your alternative, “tax the rich”.  Yeah, that works.

I could go on and on about your myopic view of the Republican National Convention, but why?  It would only go over your head like every other dose of reality-based thinking. Gee, let’s see, stimulus spending to Solyndra, and for oil drilling in Brazil.  What a fiasco the whole stimulus package was!

I’m glad you’re at the Democratic National convention. That’s good place for you and your ilk.  However, you’re not “representing Washington,” you’re representing the liberal side of a state that doesn’t speak for those of us  who believe in responsibility for one’s actions, success and future.

Dick Bowne
