Attention: Redmond Planning Department | Letter

The traffic redesign on 166th Avenue Northeast is no doubt the least thought out plan I have yet to see.

The traffic redesign on 166th Avenue Northeast is no doubt the least thought out plan I have yet to see.

1. What happens if police or emergency vehicles need to come up the hill? There is no place for cars to go to make room for large vehicles to pass.

2. Was any study done on how many cars use this four-lane road to get to work, etc?

3. Traffic is now backed up to the Hollywood School house in Woodinville trying to enter Redmond.

4. Will bike lanes be safe, going downhill at high speed and uphill? Will anyone really ride a bike up that hill? As for the turning lane going across traffic at the bottom, plus sharing the lane with cars: The lane is not wide enough for a car, let alone a truck.

5. Thought given to snow? Has anyone on this committee ever seen how traffic is when it snows? You need two lanes just to navigate if you are sliding at all. One stalled car could stop traffic for days. During snow, none of the little raised traffic pads will be visible. Should make for some hazardous driving

6. Metro buses need stopping places, I do not see any. Plus they go slower than traffic many times.

7. Why plug the roadway with cement round barriers, isn’t just road makings enough like on other streets? We can read the markings and do not need to hit a barrier.

8. Lastly, I have seen this work crew working on Saturdays, which tells me the overtime costs are built into the project. Was the project also so poorly planned it needs overtime? More tax dollars at work.

9. Are the school buses factored into this traffic jam to get children to school and home timely?

I am hoping the Redmond Planning Department can address the issues listed above.

Gloria Sloan, Redmond