Eastside Symphony’s spring concert slated for March 17, to feature flautist Lisa Hedley

On March 17, the Eastside Symphony and music director Alexei Girsh will present its spring concert at the Redmond Performing Arts Center, 17272 NE 104th St.

On March 17, the Eastside Symphony and music director Alexei Girsh will present its spring concert at the Redmond Performing Arts Center, 17272 NE 104th St.

The concert, which will begin at 7:30 p.m., will feature Lisa Hedley a flautist who has a collection of about two dozen flutes and share her instruments with the audience.

Hedley has been a member of the Eastside Symphony since 2002 and has been a frequent soloist with the orchestra. She has performed the “Chaminade Concertino,” the “Mozart Flute and Harp Concerto” and the “Stamitz Flute Concerto” the past three seasons.

Hedley teaches private flute lessons and has a passion for collecting the different members of the flute family, which she often showcases with her professional trio, the Elle Flute Trio. She also plays with the Sky Valley Wind Quintet and enjoys performing in her church. Hedley has studied flute with Cheryl Fogg in Seattle and with He Shengqi at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

Hedley and her husband, Mike, reside in the Redmond-Woodinville area.

Other performances during the concert will include Copland’s “Appalachian Spring” and four of Gustaf Holst’s “Planets.” The symphony will also perform two recent works by modern composers Catherine McMichael and Jeffrey Taylor, “Three Philosophies” and “In Memoriam 9/11.”

In “Three Philosophies” Hedley will perform a solo on three different sizes of flute, one of which is the rare contrabass flute, which taller than most performers.

Tickets are $9 for students and $12 for general admission, ($2 less if purchased in advance online) www.eastsidesymphony.org.