Youth positions available on Redmond Arts Commission

The City of Redmond Arts Commission (RAC) seeks two youth advocates between the ages of 16 and 26 who live or work within Redmond city limits to join the commission during the 2012-13 school year. The deadline is rolling and vacancies are open until filled.

The City of Redmond Arts Commission (RAC) seeks two youth advocates between the ages of 16 and 26 who live or work within Redmond city limits to join the commission during the 2012-13 school year. The deadline is rolling and vacancies are open until filled.

Youth advocates attend the Arts Commission meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 7p.m. at Redmond City Hall, 15670 N.E. 85th St. and also may work on commission projects of interest to them. The positions are non-voting and advisory.

“The role of the youth advocates is to give input to the commission on programming and art aimed at the youth community,” stated Joshua Heim, arts administrator. “The advocates communicate to Redmond youth about the actions and programs of the RAC and serve as catalysts for input.”

The role of the arts commission is to work to achieve excellence in arts programming; nurture and support artists, arts organizations and arts education and promote attendance at arts events. The commission also makes recommendations to the mayor and City Council regarding art acquisitions, programs, projects and events.

Eligible candidates are invited to submit their application materials by mail to Joshua Heim, Arts Administrator, MS: 4NPK, P.O. Box 97010, Redmond WA, 98073-9710.

For more information, contact Heim at (425) 556-2316 or