The police blotter feature is both a description of a small selection of police incidents and a statistical roundup of all calls to the Redmond Police Department that are dispatched to on-duty police officers. The Redmond Reporter Police Blotter is not intended to be representative of all police calls originating in Redmond, which gets more than 500 calls (emergency and non-emergency) per week.
Tuesday, July 16
Agency assist: Redmond police assisted Washington State Patrol and Bellevue Police Department at 2:31 a.m. with a high-risk vehicle stop on a vehicle involved in a robbery in the 11600 block of Northeast 8th Street.
Monday, July 15
Explosives: A report was taken at 11:15 p.m. for malicious placement of firework-type explosives in the 14000 block of Northeast 72nd Place in Grass Lawn.
Custodial interference: Redmond police responded to a report at 4:43 p.m. of custodial interference from the 17600 block of Northeast 88th Place on Education Hill.
Vehicle prowls: Officers responded to 12 vehicle prowl or vehicle prowl attempt reports. One came from Education Hill. Five came from Overlake. Six came from Grass Lawn.
Burglary: Redmond police responded to a burglary at 10:43 a.m. of a storage locker at an apartment complex in the 15800 block of Bear Creek Parkway downtown.