Republicans helped create U.S. Postal Service budget woes

Before publishing such an appallingly misguided editorial on the U.S. Postal Service (Dec 16, 2011), you would be well advised to learn the facts before promulgating such misinformation. Voters who happened upon this editorial would think that the Republicans are right, the problem with this country is unionized workers.

Before publishing such an appallingly misguided editorial on the U.S. Postal Service (Dec 16, 2011), you would be well advised to learn the facts before promulgating such misinformation.

Voters who happened upon this editorial would think that the Republicans are right, the problem with this country is unionized workers.

The only reason the Postal Service is failing is because of a “poison pill” inserted into a contract by Republican legislators (with assistance from conservative Democrats) during the Bush years which requires the Postal Service to fully fund right now the retirements of all its workers, current and future—including potential ones that haven’t even been born yet!!

How many businesses would survive if required to do that? If not for that, the Postal Service would still be profitable.

Stop promoting the Republican party line designed to de-power the middle class in this country by attacking unions and thus any workers who feel they might deserve their share of the profits they generate.

The only reason the Republican party can get away with these destructive policies is because so many Americans stay uninformed. I do not work for the Postal Service nor know anyone who does, but I do know what’s going on here.

The information is out there. Your laziness, your lack of interest here in getting all the facts is only contributing to the demise of the American middle class at the hands of the Republican Party.

Matthew Yagle, Redmond