Belly up to the unemployment line

Now that I-1183 has passed, with the help of huge donations from Costco, also Trader Joe’s, Safeway — some of my favorite stores — are they going to “belly up to the unemployment line” in June, when more than 900 Washington state employees will lose their jobs?

Now that I-1183 has passed, with the help of huge donations from Costco, also Trader Joe’s, Safeway — some of my favorite stores — are they going to “belly up to the unemployment line” in June, when more than 900 Washington state employees will lose their jobs?

Maybe they should also send some funds to “Alcoholics Anonymous?” Because of cheap liquor and the increase of outlets selling booze from 328 to 1,428 I am sure “AA” membership will increase.

And to voters who approved the measure: Next time you see someone in the gutter from drinking too much low-priced, easy-to-obtain alcohol, please bend over and give them a dime or two. After all, look at all the money you saved on your last liquor purchase.

Joe Giannunzio, Redmond