Redmond police to perform extra seat belt enforcement Wednesday evening

On Wednesday, Redmond police officers will be enforcing seatbelt violations at the corner of Redmond Way and State Route 520 from about 5-9 p.m. as part of the Nighttime Seat Belt Enforcement (NTSBE) grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission.

On Wednesday, Redmond police officers will be enforcing seatbelt violations at the corner of Redmond Way and State Route 520 from about 5-9 p.m. as part of the Nighttime Seat Belt Enforcement (NTSBE) grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission.

According to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, about the same number of traffic deaths occur during the day as at night. However traffic volumes at night are only 10-15 percent of what they are during the day. Research also shows that seat belt use is about six to eight percent lower at night than the 97 percent compliance rate during the day.

The goal of the NTSBE project is to increase nighttime seat belt use and reduce collision injuries and death.

Current state law requires every person in a vehicle to wear a seatbelt. The current fine for not “clicking it” is $124 per person.