Redmond woman lands 64-pound halibut, wins cash prize in Westport fishing derby

Ingrid Tenngren of Redmond hit the jackpot in Westport, Wash. last week after landing a 64-pound halibut, winning the Westport Fishing Derby's $500 daily cash prize and taking the lead in the yearly prize contest with a $1,000 payout.

Ingrid Tenngren of Redmond hit the jackpot in Westport, Wash. last week after landing a 64-pound halibut, winning the Westport Fishing Derby’s $500 daily cash prize and taking the lead in the yearly prize contest with a $1,000 payout.

Fishing enthusiasts can enter the derby for a chance at winning one of Westport’s summer-long derby prizes, furnished by local businesses and the Westport Charterboat Association.

In addition to halibut, rockfish (limit 10) and lingcod (limit 2) are also biting well in Westport, with most boats catching daily limits or close limits.

Early Chinook season begins June 9 for hatchery Chinook only. The all-species salmon season begins June 24, Sundays through Thursdays.

For more information about species and limit details as well as charter services, visit