Haistings will help small businesses

I will be voting for Kevin Haistings, 45th District, Pos. 1, this November, and I urge all your readers to do the same. We need legislators who understand prosperity can only come from opportunity, and without prosperity there will be much less charity. This means our legislators need to work hard to restore a climate of opportunity for all citizens that they might pursue happiness and prosperity for themselves.

I will be voting for Kevin Haistings, 45th District, Pos. 1, this November, and I urge all your readers to do the same.

We need legislators who understand prosperity can only come from opportunity, and without prosperity there will be much less charity. This means our legislators need to work hard to restore a climate of opportunity for all citizens that they might pursue happiness and prosperity for themselves.

I believe Kevin Hastings will be such a legislator.

A recent article comparing the two candidates shows Kevin Haistings clearly understands job growth comes from the private sector, and Roger Goodman thinks it is the role of government (with our tax dollars) to create jobs.

As a small business owner I know that when the tax and regulatory environment improves many of us will be willing to invest and hire employees to grow our businesses.

I find it appalling that Roger Goodman has received pitifully low scores of 0 percent, 8 percent, and 27 percent from the Washington Retail Association, National Federation of Independent Business, and Association of Washington Business, respectively.

Clearly, he has no idea how business works or how jobs are created.

Bob Vineyard, Redmond