Allen to seek re-election this fall

Redmond City Councilmember Kimberly Allen announced today her intention to seek re-election this fall.

Redmond City Councilmember Kimberly Allen announced today her intention to seek re-election this fall.

Allen is completing her first term in Position 4, where she has served as the chair of the Council’s Public Safety Committee, and has been a member of the Parks and Human Services Committee and the Planning and Public Works Committee.

“Redmond continues to grow and change all around us, even with a downturn in the national economy,” Allen said. “As a member of the city council, I’d like to continue to help guide the growth that will continue to come in a way that preserves Redmond’s character and environmental beauty while promoting green building practices.

“I also want to ensure that there are plenty of opportunities for neighbors to be heard and for them to see their perspectives reflected in the important decisions we make as a city.”

Councilmember Allen has also represented the city regionally as a Redmond representative to Eastside Transportation Partnership, Executive Committee member of the Jail Oversight Assembly, Suburban Cities member of the King County Growth Management Planning Council and former Suburban Cities Caucus Chair and Vice Chair for the Regional Law, Safety and Justice Committee. Prior to being elected to the Council, Allen was Vice Chair of the Redmond Planning Commission.

Allen said she believes that city government should be accessible and understandable to everyone who lives in Redmond and has advanced that goal by co-authoring the City of Redmond Government Guide now available on the City of Redmond Website.

Allen consistently supports multimodal transportation choices, including bicycle and pedestrian connections, to serve Redmond’s growing urban centers and established neighborhoods.

She has been actively involved in the project to rewrite the development code to make it understandable, consistent and usable for the people who live here, as well as for those who wish to build in Redmond. She also supports a wide variety of housing choices as a path to more affordable housing.

In addition to her Council responsibilities, Allen also works as a land use hearing examiner for a number of jurisdictions in the Puget Sound region. She previously served as Assistant Attorney General for the State of Arizona and Assistant City Prosecutor for the City of Phoenix. Allen also practiced business litigation in Los Angeles, California and served as in-house counsel for Shell Oil Company’ s West Coast litigation group.

She lives on Education Hill with her husband and two children.

For more information about Allen, contact her at