It’s the Democrats who are to blame | Letter to the Editor

A Dec. 28 letter ("GOP stranglehold continues") attempts to blame everything on the Republican Party, with his “truth be told” comments, from Susan Rice to the economy.

A Dec. 28 letter (“GOP stranglehold continues”) attempts to blame everything on the Republican Party, with his “truth be told” comments, from Susan Rice to the economy.

Rice was not an innocent bystander in blaming the murder of our ambassador and three other Americans on a crowd incited by some anti-Muslim film, as she stated on five TV talk shows. She and other Obama Administration staff lied to the American people.

As for this country’s fiscal problems, the writer should note that Democrats controlled the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House from 2008-2010, and could pass anything they wanted. They eventually did pass “Obama care” in the middle of the night, with no one having even read it.

It should also be noted that the Democrat controlled Senate has not passed a budget in four years, and refuses to even vote on the Republican House budget.

Does this show that Democrats care “about the welfare of the country”?  Nope.

Dick Applestone