Flynn has deep concern for city

We would like to express our support for Tom Flynn for City Council. We first met Tom over a decade ago, when he coached our oldest son in Lake Washington Youth Soccer Association. In the eight years our son spent on his team, we came to know Tom as a strong leader who taught the young men life skills like sportsmanship and teamwork. He was both supportive and caring, while also showing a drive to succeed and to help the players bring out the best in the people around them.

We would like to express our support for Tom Flynn for City Council.

We first met Tom over a decade ago, when he coached our oldest son in Lake Washington Youth Soccer Association. In the eight years our son spent on his team, we came to know Tom as a strong leader who taught the young men life skills like sportsmanship and teamwork. He was both supportive and caring, while also showing a drive to succeed and to help the players bring out the best in the people around them.

In the years since, we have also gotten to see Tom’s deep concern for the local Redmond community. He has volunteered countless hours for the Arts Commission, the Redmond Association of Spokenword (RASP), and most recently on the Planning Commission. His strong leadership skills ultimately led him to become the chair of the Arts Commission.

As I (Scott) am also involved in the planning commission, I know firsthand that he cares about a wide variety of community issues, considers all sides when a decision is made, and listens to all opinions before drawing his own conclusions.

Tom is running for City Council for all the right reasons. He cares about our community, listens to all sides of an issue, and works hard to build consensus. He is smart, thoughtful, and a natural leader. We fully support Tom, as he will be good for the Redmond community and will bring thoughtfulness and deep commitment to our government.

Scott and Laurie Biethan