City provides an awful example for civics students

I believe the Redmond City government has given future students of political science a textbook example of how NOT to make the right decision.

I believe the Redmond City government has given future students of political science a textbook example of how NOT to make the right decision.  Apparently this was their game plan regarding the traffic camera issue:

• Deny the red light cameras were about money, when everyone knew they were about the money.

• Twist the statistics to prove your improvable point. Repeat.

• Refuse to even have initiative signatures counted, citing a somewhat relevant court case.

• When faced with overwhelming public sentiment and statistics against the cameras, put off the obvious decision to increase anger among your constituents.

• Talk a lot about needing to follow the process. Repeat.

• Now that everyone is pissed off at you and you have put your political future in jeopardy, make the right decision and cancel the contract for the red light cameras.

Such clear cut examples of what not to do are hard to find. We appreciate it!

Ken Boyer, Redmond