‘No one can afford a drink in this state’ | Letter to the Editor

(In response to last issue’s liquor privatization story.) The problem is not with the stores, it is with the state. They knew they would lose revenue so they put so much tax on booze that no one will purchase it.

(In response to last issue’s liquor privatization story.) The problem is not with the stores, it is with the state. They knew they would lose revenue so they put so much tax on booze that no one will purchase it.

Border cities can reach to other states that are not as corrupt as Washington. We voted to take the state out of the business to lower price, instead the state makes it impossible to compete with Oregon, Idaho or Canada. I will never purchase any alcohol in this state out of protest for what the legislature has stuck in at the last minute. I encourage everyone to boycott this state. A bottle of scotch that sells for $180 in this state is $85 in Texas.

When the stores figure out that their floor space is not producing revenue, you will see booze removed from the floor. The state would do very well to lower their greedy taxation policies and concentrate on volume. No one can afford a drink in this state.

Brian Hair, Vancouver