Regional mid-size women’s barbershop chorus champions, Pacific Sound Chorus, will compete in the Harmony Classic division of the Sweet Adelines International chorus competition on Oct. 18 in Las Vegas. Also performing in the Harmony Classic division will be choruses from the U.S., England, Canada and Sweden.
Redmond residents Betteann Bond, Jackie Cole, Alycen Farrell, Samantha Gorbett, Lois Lanphere and Stephanie Potter are members of the chorus.
Leading Pacific Sound Chorus will be director Susan Kegley of Renton. Kegley also led the chorus to the international competitions in 2010 and 2014. Since chartering in 1990, Pacific Sound Chorus has competed at the international level several times and has placed in the top 10 in the overall division.
Members of Pacific Sound Chorus range in age from their 20s to their 80s and are drawn from communities from Sequim to Tacoma.