Help to pass the Reach Every Mother and Child Act | Letter

Saturday morning before Mother's Day, I sat remembering my mom, all the love and joy she brought to my life and the lives of countless others.

Saturday morning before Mother’s Day, I sat remembering my mom, all the love and joy she brought to my life and the lives of countless others.

She has “graduated” now (her and dad’s term for passing) and I still want to honor her. I choose to do this by honoring all mothers and doing my part to pass the Reach Every Mother and Child Act.

This bipartisan bill will aim at ending the preventable deaths of 289,000 mothers and 5.9 million children in our world.

By calling or writing our representatives and senators, they know how important it is to us to pass this life-saving bill.

Most of Washington state’s delegation has already co-sponsored this legislation, including Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (thank you), but it needs our voices to get it out of committee and pass into law. You can do this with your children and show them how democracy works.

Willie Dickerson
