Drivers, bicyclists have a tough time sharing the road | Letter

Good article in the Sept. 2 Redmond Reporter on bike safety.

Good article in the Sept. 2 Redmond Reporter on bike safety.

I was always taught that drivers and bicyclists need to be predictable, so following the rules is important. Sometimes it seems like neither is, so there are going to be problems and the bicyclist usually loses badly.

In downtown Bothell, which has a lot of people that ignore the stop signs in their cars, bicyclists assume the cars will stop when they actually have no plan to stop. Parking lots also are a big problem. In theory, I expect cars to be driving in the lanes, but often cars are driving between parked cars or diagonally across multiple lanes, so looking for brake lights that indicate a car about to pull out in reverse doesn’t work.

I’m fortunate that I have only a couple blocks to bike to get onto the Sammamish River Trail and then only a couple blocks off the trail to make it to my office. Otherwise, I think I’d skip riding altogether.

Ray Hayes
