Hague holds lead over Mitchell in county council race | 2011 primary results

Incumbent Jane Hague has the early lead in the primary race for King County Council Position 6, with Mercer Island resident Richard Mitchell holding on to the second spot for the November General Election.

Incumbent Jane Hague has the lead in the primary race for King County Council Position 6, with Mercer Island resident Richard Mitchell widening his advantage on to the second spot for the November General Election.

As of Wednesday night, Hague has garnered nearly 39 percent of the vote, with the other three candidates – Mitchell, Seattle Port Commissioner John Creighton and former Bellevue Councilmember Patsi Bonincontri – looking to make up the gap.

“I feel good about this campaign,” said Hague, whose district includes Bellevue and parts of Redmond. “People know me and can see the things I believe in – working across the aisle for solutions, standing up for the Eastside.”

Mitchell, a Mercer Island resident and former counsel for Gov. Christine Gregoire, increased his lead over Creighton for the second spot in the primary.

Mitchell, which held a 600-vote lead after Tuesday’s first returns led by more than 1,200 votes after Wednesday with 29 percent of the votes. Creighton received nearly 25 percent of the votes.

Reached at the Crossroads Bar and Grill Tuesday night, with a noisy crowd in the background, Mitchell said that he had no expectations about the numbers. But he was pleased at how the campaign has gone so far.

“We have been firing on all cylinders,” he said of his campaign. “We have had the endorsements we wanted and our fundraising has gone well.”

When asked how he felt about some who said his campaign ‘had gone negative,’ Mitchell said it was up to him to point out the facts about other candidates in regards to their behavior.

Hague was charged with drunk driving in 2007 while Creighton was accused of stalking by a former girlfriend.

“These are the facts. As a challenger, you have to say why this incumbent or that candidate should be not be elected,” he said. “They will not do it for you.”

Results will be posted daily at 4:30 p.m. here with final results coming Aug. 31.

Full results are below

King County Council, Position 6

• Jane Hague: 10,754 votes, 38.78 percent

• Richard E. Mitchell: 8.059 votes, 29.06 percent

• John Creighton: 6,834 votes, 24.64 percent

• Patsy Bonincontri: 1,986 votes, 7.16 percent

• Write-in: 100 votes, .36 percent

• Total votes cast: 29,432 votes, 24.30 percent turnout

King County Proposition No. 1, Veterans and Human Services Levy

• Yes: 167,307, 67.51 percent

• No: 80,508 votes, 32.49 percent

• Total votes cast: 208,833 votes, 19.08 percent