Safety is the top concern with red-light cameras

No one is looking at the safety problems that the nay-sayers to red light cameras should be aware of. The only things that they are focusing upon is the probability that they will be ticketed for a minor traffic infraction that can and will kill someone. Rolling stops also are extremely serious and illegal.

No one is looking at the safety problems that the nay-sayers to red light cameras should be aware of.

The only things that they are focusing upon is the probability that they will be ticketed for a minor traffic infraction that can and will kill someone.

Rolling stops also are extremely serious and illegal.

To the person who finds the flash of the camera light annoying is not getting the message that they have to practice safe driving. Their attitude deserves a ticket because of their personal arrogance.

The money from tickets, justly issued, help to keep all of us safe and perhaps alive. Pedestrians are getting injured or killed by the drivers who keep believing that a safety law does not apply to them.

Well folks, it can and will happen to you or your loved ones and the rest of us will have to listen to you be angry at our city for not doing something about red-light runners. Four hundred petition signers is a very weak number to even consider. It is your money and your life, so drive with intelligence and save both and be thankful that our city is doing something that will help you have a safer life.

Come on Redmond, be smarter and please do not let a small number of arrogant and “it does not apply to me” citizens win this one.

Gail Hoover, Redmond