Cops and kids partner up in Redmond

On Thursday, Sept. 15, the 90 Stella Schola Middle School students along with teachers and parents worked with the Redmond Police Department’s Demonstration Management Team.

On Thursday, Sept. 15, the 90 Stella Schola Middle School students along with teachers and parents worked with the Redmond Police Department’s Demonstration Management Team.

These are the officers who are called in when many people need to be moved/controlled/protected. The Demonstration Management Team practiced their drills in moving large groups of people from one area to another in a peaceful but decisive manner. As the afternoon progressed, some students volunteered to be injured so the officers could tend to and move them to safety.

Other students volunteered to distract the officers by throwing approved ice and water bottles at them when signaled to do so. Others chanted as if in a demonstration. Students were instructed to “cease and desist” all activity if they were touched on the arm by an officer.

After the activities ended, officers met with smaller groups of students who asked questions about the law enforcement profession and got to know the officers.

“I loved our demonstration chant,” said seventh grader Eliza Ludlam as she grinned and raised a fist, “Save our Cows!”

Eighth grader Derek Tseng commented, “Can we do this again? It was fun and I learned something too.”

After the group picture in front of the SWAT vehicle, students took time to shake the hands of the officers in honor of their service every day.By collaborating with the Redmond Police Department in this way, it allows the officers to practice peacefully moving a large group of people safely.

Students learned that if things get out of hand in a large group setting, it is wise to leave when asked to do so, for their own safety and for the safety of others.