“Life After High School” panels begin Oct. 22 at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center

The Redmond Youth Partnership Advisory Committee (RYPAC) presents “Life After High School” – a series of three panels geared towards teens and parents who are interested in what to expect after high school. The first will take place Thursday, Oct. 22 from 7-8:30pm at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 NE 80th Street.

The format consists of three to five panelists sharing information about their area of expertise. The panel then takes questions from the audience. Light snacks and refreshments are provided by Redmond Whole Foods Market.

Details are as follows:

Panel 1: “Life after High School” – Thursday, Oct. 22: What are your options? Technical school, community college or a public or private university may be best for you or your teen, depending on career interests. Local educational institutions will be featured.

Panel 2: “Being a College Student” – Thursday April 29, 2010:

Congratulations! You are on the road to success, but now you have even more questions such as how to pay for school, how to meet expectations and whether or not to work while attending school.

Panel 3: “Living on Your Own 101” – Thursday May 27, 2010:

Redmond alumni will come back to tell you about the social and “living on your own” aspects of being a young adult. Hear personal stories and advice from current students on balancing school, friends and household chores.

For information or to RSVP contact Nancy Chang, teen programs coordinator at (425) 556-2358 or nchang@redmond.gov.