LWSD extends school year to make up for snow days

The Lake Washington School District (LWSD) extended the school year by another day to help make up for lost days of instruction during last month's snow days, according to a LWSD press release.

The Lake Washington School District (LWSD) extended the school year by another day to help make up for lost days of instruction during last month’s snow days, according to a LWSD press release.

The last day of school is now Monday, June 25 rather than Friday, June 22. The last day of school will be a half-day of instruction. Students will also have to go to school on Friday, May 4, which was previously scheduled as a day off for students and a professional development day for teachers.

In addition, LWSD students were originally slated to participate in a transition day to the district’s new grade configuration at the end of the school, but that day has been moved to the beginning of the 2012-13 school year. This move will allow for another day of instruction before the end of the school year.

With the new grade configuration, many students will be attending new schools and the transition day next fall will help students get acclimated to their new school and teachers.

“I understand families are anxious about these changes and we wanted to provide an opportunity this spring to help students get more familiar with their new schools,” said LWSD Superintendent Dr. Chip Kimball. “By moving it before the start of school next year, students will get much more information about their specific classes and teachers as well as getting more comfortable with the new school before students in other grades arrive.”

Adding these new days of instruction before the end of this school year will make up for the three snow days that happened Jan. 18-20.