Love alike and approve Referendum 74 | Letter to the Editor

Opponents of Referendum 74, the referendum that legalizes same-sex marriage, will soon deluge us with literature, television and radio ads that are fear-based, inaccurate and full of half-truths. They will do this in the name of “religious faith.”

Opponents of Referendum 74, the referendum that legalizes same-sex marriage, will soon deluge us with literature, television and radio ads that are fear-based, inaccurate and full of half-truths. They will do this in the name of “religious faith.”

It will not matter that Jesus gave us the great commandment to love one another as we have been loved by God. It will not matter that Jesus cautioned all of us not to judge lest we be judged. It will not matter that the referendum clearly states that religious institutions do not have to perform or recognizing same-sex marriage. It will not matter that the referendum will in no way penalize those same religious institutions for not performing or recognizing same-sex marriages. Have no doubt: you will not be presented with facts or the truth. The appeal from the opposition will be emotional fear.

What does matter is that approving Referendum 74 will honor the long-term, committed, loving relationships of couples that happen to be of the same gender. What does matter is that there are many people of faith who assert that love is stronger than fear. What does matter is that there are many of us who are people of faith who believe we are being faithful by approving Referendum 74.

One of the founders of my faith tradition, Francis David, made the statement in 14th century Europe that I believe applies to our time and this issue: “We need not think alike to love alike.”

As a person of faith, recognizing that we do not all think alike, I ask you to join me in loving alike: vote to approve Referendum 74.

Rev. Lois E. Van Leer

Woodinville Unitarian Universalist Church