Redmond Baby Peppers program begins July 13

The Program for Early Parent Support (PEPS) is offering Redmond Baby Peppers — a program for moms of 5 to 12-month-old babies — starting July 13 at the Redmond Bright Horizons, located at 14860 N.E. 31st Circle.

The Program for Early Parent Support (PEPS) is offering Redmond Baby Peppers — a program for moms of 5 to 12-month-old babies — starting July 13 at the Redmond Bright Horizons, located at 14860 N.E. 31st Circle.

In the group, parents and their babies will meet, share, and learn in informal sessions facilitated by a trained volunteer. Each meeting includes time for sharing parenting highs and lows, followed by a discussion of a topic related to parenting. Baby Peppers meetings will take place over eight weeks and will include break time for informal socializing and connecting with other parents.

Baby Peppers is open to all families with babies 5-12 months old when the group starts.

The Redmond Baby Peppers group will meet every Friday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. starting July 13. The program fee is $120. Scholarships are available.

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