Lake, not people, should dictate ecosystem | Letter to the Editor

I read with interest your guest editorial in the June 22 issue, “Caught between salmon and common sense”, by Dr. Martin Nizlek.

I read with interest your guest editorial in the June 22 issue, “Caught between salmon and common sense”, by Dr. Martin Nizlek.

Nizlek states that the willows planted in the slough are great habitat for bass that “love to eat salmon.” He also mentions the need for a comprehensive look at cost effective solutions that balance the needs of salmon.

As a fisherman who lives in Redmond, I find the bass to be a welcome game fish and find the salmon take precedence in most if not all of the lakes and streams on the western side of the state. Wouldn’t it be better to let the lake dictate what kind of fish can be supported instead of having the hand of man interfere with the ecosystem that is Lake Sammamish?

Too many of us want to destroy what we do not like or understand and the article clearly implies that a majority of property owners on the lake are pro salmon.

When lake owners neither fish nor care whether there are bass or salmon under their pier, I don’t think worrying about the health of the salmon population should be an issue when salmon are everywhere on this side of the state.

Mark Mier, Redmond