Haistings will right the ship

Given Kevin Haisting's history of community involvement while serving 25 years as a Seattle Police sergeant, it's no surprise he's running for State Representative in the 45th District.

Given Kevin Haisting’s history of community involvement while serving 25 years as a Seattle Police sergeant, it’s no surprise he’s running for State Representative in the 45th District.

Most impressive is Kevin’s resolve to fix the fiscal mess in Olympia. He recognizes we don’t have a revenue problem – we have a spending problem. He offers proposals that will set budget priorities, streamline government, force the state to implement performance budget recommendations, and lessen reliance on government to solve all our needs.

Kevin’s opponent, incumbent Roger Goodman, played a major role in approving nearly $800 million in new taxes, ignoring voter-approved restrictions on tax increases. Furthermore, instead of working on solutions to balance a clearly unsustainable budget, Mr. Goodman was more interested in crafting legislation to legalize marijuana!

The legislature’s reckless actions have driven our state into the ditch. It’s time we send Sergeant Haistings to Olympia to write the citation.

Roger Trepanier, Redmond