Bennett will help bring hope to our economy

As the owner of a small business with employees in Bellevue, I have a lot to be concerned about given Washington State’s struggling economy.

As the owner of a small business with employees in Bellevue, I have a lot to be concerned about given Washington State’s struggling economy.

I know that frivolous spending and bad tax policies in Olympia can jeopardize the viability of my company.

The best hope we have for getting our state back on track is by electing Gregg Bennett as the 48th Legislative District State Senator.

Bennett has made it his priority to retain jobs in this area and to create new ones. He wants to protect small businesses like mine by changing the B&O tax and providing tax cuts that stimulate business and help companies create new jobs.

Bennett believes improving education is critical to strengthening the economy and creating jobs in the long-term. He is also very active with the youth and adamant about giving them the best possible opportunity to succeed in the future and compete in this global economy.

Gregg Bennett is clearly the best choice for everyone in the 48th District because of his commitment to bringing our state’s economy out of this slump, creating new jobs, and making it possible for those of us with small businesses to stay in business.

Diane Glenn, Bellevue