Stop the rage and just follow the rules of the road

What is it with all this fuss about cameras and red lights? One of the first basic rules when applying for a drivers license is, “you are to stop at all red lights.” If you feel you are above the law and are free to run red lights then you better think again. The cameras are there to catch the red light runner, period.

What is it with all this fuss about cameras and red lights?

One of the first basic rules when applying for a drivers license is, “you are to stop at all red lights.”

If you feel you are above the law and are free to run red lights then you better think again. The cameras are there to catch the red light runner, period.

If you do stop at red lights you should not care.  If you are one of those that believes he is entitled to run red lights you deserve the $124 fine.  Yes, I said $124. Scott Harlen suggested it be a $25 fine and it goes to charity.

I say let it go to the city coffers, if you let it go to charity you will be taxed in some other way to help the city get its much-needed money. Let the law breakers pay the way.

Another issue to think about: How many times do you sit at the green light and wait for 3-10 seconds before driving on because you are just a little leery and think there might be another idiot trying to beat the red light? The idiots are out there. Let them be fined by having their picture taken.

Dale Hoover, Redmond