Goodman has provided ‘great service to our state’ | Letter to the Editor

I am writing to support Roger Goodman, state representative of the 45th Legislative District who was recently given a national award by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) for Legislator of the Year for his legislation that requires that ignition interlock devices be installed on cars of convicted drunk drivers. MADD noted that interlock devices reduce highway deaths from drunk driving by 20 percent. They called Washington’s law a model for the other 49 states.

I am writing to support Roger Goodman, state representative of the 45th Legislative District who was recently given a national award by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) for Legislator of the Year for his legislation that requires that ignition interlock devices be installed on cars of convicted drunk drivers. MADD noted that interlock devices reduce highway deaths from drunk driving by 20 percent. They called Washington’s law a model for the other 49 states.

Despite Goodman’s great service to our state, Joel Hussey, his Republican challenger, has made accusations that Mr. Goodman “sponsored a bill that lightens penalties on drunk drivers and will cost millions because it violates federal funding standards.” Both of the accusations are completely false. Would MADD award its Legislator of the Year to a legislator who weakened penalties on drunk drivers? These accusations are featured both in cable TV ads and in unidentified robo-calls made to voters in the district.

The robo-calls violate campaign finance laws, because they do not state who is paying for the call. Look up the facts and hold Mr. Hussey accountable for his false claims and illegal robo-calls.

In my opinion, Hussey is running a deplorable campaign and does not deserve to be elected to represent our district.

Joe Lane, Redmond