Bill Christianson | Our blogging bandwagon gets rolling

Let the blogging begin.

That’s right, if you’ve got something passionate — and professional — to say about a particular topic, you can sign up for a blog at Or better yet, check out our staff blogs and post a comment or suggestion.

Blogs are just another interactive Internet device that allows the Redmond Reporter staff to connect with our community.

We have some can’t-miss blogs already online, written by our award-winning staff reporters.

Mary Stevens Decker, who has been our ace reporter for three-plus years, has a lifestyle/arts/entertainment blog that highlights the fun, colorful people and events of Redmond. It’s called “La Vie en Redmond,” which translates to “The Life in Redmond.” The blog features teasers and tidbits about fun, uplifting people and events that make Redmond the wonderful place it is.

For you sports lovers, we have a blog called “Red-hot Sports,” written by our sports master Tim Watanabe. He will chronicle and comment on everything sports in Redmond. His first post included his thoughts about Redmond High’s big upset of arch rival Eastlake last Friday night at Redmond High School. Be sure to check it out.

I will keep tabs on crime incidents and trends in a blog tabbed, “Crime Time in Redmond.”

The Redmond Police Department has also joined our blog bandwagon in a blog called “Ask the Police,” where residents can ask any questions they want about public safety and crime in Redmond. The blog will be handled by Jim Bove, the police department’s community outreach facilitator.

This is just the start of things to come. Mayor John Marchione has already expressed interest in setting up a blog.

In addition, we have offered blogs to all of the current city councilmembers and the local political candidates, providing another medium for voter education. So we encourage all of the local politicians — and candidates — to go online and create a blog. It’s a great way to connect with your constituents.

So don’t just sit there, go to, make a comment or create your own blog — it’s easy, fun and informative.

Bill Christianson is the editor of the Redmond Reporter. He can be reached at bchrsitianson@redmond-reporter or (425) 867-0353, ext. 5050.